"Carolina Breeze" by Denise Hunter

Denise Hunter

Romance, clean, contemporary; Christian faith elements; Series but stand alone read

Mia and Levi's story was so well done. Hurting hearts, worries, every day moments, a dash of mystery, and lots of sweet attraction along with a dash of faith. Strong characters, well-drawn side characters, and also a cast of characters from the first book made for a lovely, sweet romance, with a bit of drama from Mia's notoriety. Gorgeous setting at the Inn, near the water and mountains, and of course, lots of small town charm. Loved the ending with the how things were put back together (not going into detail, don't want to spoil it).
Family, the strength of it, and all the learning and character growth that comes from inter familial, and inter personal interactions. D.H. has become an author who gets the everyday moments, the worries, cares, concerns, things that display character, build affection, show longing, and of course the sweetness of real romance from the heart. Wonderfully full, lush, detailed drawing of family, friends, and a sweet romance. Seeign the characters from the first novel in the series a definite draw for me.
I received an ARC from the publisher via NetGalley, my opinions are my own.


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